Cassia senna
Cassia senna
Properties and usage:
Stiimulant, laxative, purgative.
Effects on the organism:
Sena is considered since long ago to be a powerful laxative. It is recommended for softening the stool. Due to its strong laxative action, sena can provoke colic. This is why it is associated to aromatic plants which eliminate gas and relax the intestinal muscles.
Sena also provokes contractions in the large intestine which result in a bowel movement approximatively 10 hours after its ingestion. It also retains water in the colon which would contribute in softening the stool.
In traditional Chinese medicine, sena is recommended for liver inflammation, constipation and atherosclerosis.
Due to its powerful laxative effect, it is recommended to limit the treatment to no longer than 10 days, so as not to weaken the colon muscles unduly.
Principal constituents: anthraquinonic glucosites, naphtalenic glucosites, mucilage, flavonoids.
Cassia senna