No 117 (Buissol) 1 kg Tea blend
TISANE BUISSOL Aubépine Buis Chiendent Gui Hysope Olivier Prèle Sauge Vigne rouge
Herbal tea especially concocted for the big cleasing of our body. It eliminates toxins from the intestines and the liver and purifies the blood system.
Composition: burdock, fumitory, alder buckthorn, woodland straberry, St. John's wort, nettle, yellow dock, johnny-jump-up, rosemary, soapwort, sage.
Effects on the organism:
Burdock: a depurative plant, it is used to eliminate toxins. Toxins in the intestines is a cause for the development of illnesses.
Fumitory: stimulates the gall bladder and heals liver ailments. It is also diuretic.
Alder buckthorn: this plant is recommended in case of weakness in the colon muscles or for insufficient bile production. It activates the large intestine.
Woodland straberry: its leaves are astringent and diuretic, which will help against dysentery and diarrhea.
St. John's wort: this plant is a great help for pains or all kinds of nervous problems such as nevralgia, shaking, tics, anxiety attacks, anxiety or depression.
Nettle: due to its high flavonoid and potassium content, it increases urine volume and facilitates the elimination of toxins.
Yellow dock: a mild laxative which makes it an effective remedy for constipation. This effect is also more beneficial due to its fiber content. The stimulation of the colon allows easier bowel movements and less reabsorbtion of toxins.
Johnny-jump-up: has a purifying effect as well as diuretic.
Rosemary: acts as a tonic plant as it has stimulating effects. It stimulates bilious secretions and helps in eliminating gas.
Saponaire: expectorant and diuretic, it helps in treating dermatological problems.
Sauge: antiseptic, astringent, it eases gas elimination. Its astringent virtues make it a mild anti-diarrhoeic. It is a digestive tonic and a stimulant.
TISANE BUISSOL Aubépine Buis Chiendent Gui Hysope Olivier Prèle Sauge Vigne rouge
TISANE NO. 110 Sage ( rhumatism-arthritis ) 500 mg. 360 Capsules $35.00
This formula is for those who have problems related to sexuality. It helps them increase their libido.
Achillée Millefeuille Molène Eucalyptus Guimauve Lierre terrestre Mélilot: Tilleul Tussilage Thym
Beneficial for old people, as well as for very nervous people (hyperactive), this formula helps concentration and memory. It contributes to regenerate the nervous system, of which, the brain.
This formula restores an energy surplus quite rapidly because it acts on the superrenal glands.
This formula is for those who have problems related to sexuality. It helps them increase their libido.