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(Expecto) 250 gr Tea blend
This formula treats all sorts of pulmonary infections such as asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough and tuberculosis.
Composition: alpine ladys mantle, poppy, white horehound, monkeybush, periwinkle, réglisse, thyme, coltsfoott, balsam fir, wormseed mustard.
Effetcs on the organism:
Alpine ladys mantle: used to fight tiredness due to flu or fever, it is also a diuretic.
Poppy: a soothing plant. It helps to promote sputum in case of chest imflammations, colds and dry coughs.
White horehound: a powerful expectorant, it is prescribed for treating breathing difficulties such as bronchitis and asthma.
Monkeybush: has emollient and decongesting properties. Drains the toxins.
Periwinkle: an astringent, used for sore throate and buccal ulcers. It stimulates circulation and stimulates cerebral oxygenation.
Licorice: used to harmonize plants. Helps to expel mucous. It also has nourishing properties and brings back energy.
Thyme: antiseptic, antifungal, expectorant and antispasmodic. It dilates the bronchi.
Coltsfoot: calming, expectorant and acts on pulmonary afflictions. It contains flavonoids which are anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic.
Balsam fir: helps during pulmonary ailments such as bronchitis and colds. It treats respiratory infections.
Wormseed mustard: used for bronchitis. Diuretic and antibacterial, it hides sedative and anticonvulsive properties.
(Millefeuille winter) 1 kg Tea blend
Achillée Millefeuille Molène Eucalyptus Guimauve Lierre terrestre Mélilot: Tilleul Tussilage Thym
Male Female Insufficience 1 kg
This formula is for those who have problems related to sexuality. It helps them increase their libido.
(Millefeuille winter) 500 gr Tea blend
Achillée Millefeuille Molène Eucalyptus Guimauve Lierre terrestre Mélilot: Tilleul Tussilage Thym
No 105 (Busserole) 250 gr Tea blend
TISANE NO. 105 Busserole Busserole Bouleau Bruyère Cassis Chiendent Calendule Frêne Genévrier Haricot Maïs Pariétaire Prèle
No. 110 (Salsepareille) 250 gr Tea blend
TISANE NO. 110 Sage ( rhumatism-arthritis ) 500 mg. 360 Capsules $35.00