No 117 (Buissol) 250 gr Tea blend
TISANE BUISSOL Aubépine Buis Chiendent Gui Hysope Olivier Prèle Sauge Vigne rouge
This formula is composed of plants able to clean the liver and stimulate better liver function.
Composition: artichoke, sweet woodruff, yellow spring bedstraw, black currant, meadow knapweed, horsetail, licorice, rosemary, bearberry, marigold.
Effects on the organism:
Artichoke: known for the liver because it protects from infections by eliminating toxins.
Sweet woodruff: a tonic as weel as possessing diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties which are very precious in the treatment of phlebitis.
Yellow spring bedwtraw: it is a more or less strong purgative for gall and kidney stones. Effective in the treatment of other liver ailments.
Black currant: used as a diuretic but recommended for diarrhea and indigestion.
Meadow knapweed: this plant strengthens the liver and the digestion. It is a mild laxative.
Horsetail: has an astringent effect. Its therapeutic effect is essentially due to the high content of silica of which a large portion is soluble and can be absorbed. It helps in the regeneration of conjunctive tissues.
Licorice: has a mildly laxative action as it eliminates gastric secretions while producing a thick mucous which has anti-ulcer benefits during a gastric inflammation.
Rosemary: stimulates bilious secretions and expulsion of gas. Generally acts as a stimulant.
Bearberry: antiseptic and purifying. It fortifies a weak stomach, liberates the liver and cleans the intestins.
Marigold: this plant contributes to eliminate waste and to re-establish good liver and bilious functions. It is also astringent, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, purifying and relieves muscular contractions.
TISANE BUISSOL Aubépine Buis Chiendent Gui Hysope Olivier Prèle Sauge Vigne rouge
Achillée Millefeuille Molène Eucalyptus Guimauve Lierre terrestre Mélilot: Tilleul Tussilage Thym
This formula restores an energy surplus quite rapidly because it acts on the superrenal glands.
TISANE BUISSOL Aubépine Buis Chiendent Gui Hysope Olivier Prèle Sauge Vigne rouge
TISANE NO. 105 Busserole Busserole Bouleau Bruyère Cassis Chiendent Calendule Frêne Genévrier Haricot Maïs Pariétaire Prèle