Taraxacum officinale
Taraxacum officinale
Properites and usage:
Recommended for purifying the blood and the gall bladder. Fights anemia, cutaneous afflictions and acne and helps the kidneys to function better. Also recommended as a mild laxative.
Effects on the organism:
The dandelion has a tonic effect on the system, it destroys acid in the blood. It contains organic sodium which is an excellent remedy for anemia.
Dandelion is also cultivated for its richness in calcium and mineral salts. It is also known as a blood purifier.
It is also effective to eliminate the impurities from the blood and the liver.
Used with success for gout, janudice, scurf patches, anemia, blood poisoning, skin illnesses in general and for certain gum problems.
Principal constituents: vitamins A, B, C and D.
Leaves: coumarines, potassium.
Roots: phenolic acids, potassium, calcium.
Taraxacum officinale